Logo of Howest University of Applied Sciences

Howest University of Applied Sciences

Belgium, Kortrijk    See a map
Marksesteenweg 58, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium

Welcome to Howest

Anticipating Your Future!

Howest University of Applied Sciences is known for its innovative and interdisciplinary approach to education and research, its close collaborations with industry, businesses and the social profit sector, and its innate entrepreneurship.

Howest is a member of Ghent University Association and is fully accredited by NVAO, the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation. Our campuses are located in Bruges and Kortrijk, two historical hotspots right in the very heart of Europe.

Our programmes

We offer 30 Bachelors, 13 Associate Degrees and many Postgraduate Certificate programmes, all with a strong practical focus, in the areas of Business Management, Industrial Sciences & Technology, Digital Design, Architecture, Healthcare, Education and Social Sciences.  We continue to develop the courses we offer in English in order to position Howest as an attractive academic choice for students from abroad.

Future-proof Skills

Howest continuously adapts its curricula to include new areas of expertise and put its cutting-edge research into practice.  Creativity and entrepreneurship are part of Howest’s DNA.  Field-driven assignments, on-the-job training and internships are key components of each programme. That is how we meet the changing needs of today’s society and equip our students with future-proof skills.  


Howest has built a solid reputation for its application-oriented research, its unyielding commitment to services and education, and the strong partnerships forged with universities and work-field organisations in Belgium, across Europe, and all around the world. Our students and staff are given plenty of opportunities to gain international experience and go global thanks to our international networks, scholarships, and exchange programmes.

In short, Howest University of Applied Sciences is where you can build a future-proof career with guaranteed job security while thoroughly enjoying the “process” of your education and life in the heart of Europe.

Welcome to Howest

Anticipating Your Future!

Howest University of Applied Sciences is known for its innovative and interdisciplinary approach to education and research, its close collaborations with industry, businesses and the social profit sector, and its innate entrepreneurship.

Howest is a member of Ghent University Association and is fully accredited by NVAO, the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation. Our campuses are located in Bruges and Kortrijk, two historical hotspots right in the very heart of Europe.

Our programmes

We offer 30 Bachelors, 13 Associate Degrees and many Postgraduate Certificate programmes, all with a strong practical focus, in the areas of Business Management, Industrial Sciences & Technology, Digital Design, Architecture, Healthcare, Education and Social Sciences.  We continue to develop the courses we offer in English in order to position Howest as an attractive academic choice for students from abroad.

Future-proof Skills

Howest continuously adapts its curricula to include new areas of expertise and put its cutting-edge research into practice.  Creativity and entrepreneurship are part of Howest’s DNA.  Field-driven assignments, on-the-job training and internships are key components of each programme. That is how we meet the changing needs of today’s society and equip our students with future-proof skills.  


Howest has built a solid reputation for its application-oriented research, its unyielding commitment to services and education, and the strong partnerships forged with universities and work-field organisations in Belgium, across Europe, and all around the world. Our students and staff are given plenty of opportunities to gain international experience and go global thanks to our international networks, scholarships, and exchange programmes.

In short, Howest University of Applied Sciences is where you can build a future-proof career with guaranteed job security while thoroughly enjoying the “process” of your education and life in the heart of Europe.

Search and apply!


BaBachelor of Digital Arts and Entertainment (DAE) (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
DAE - Digital Arts and Entertainments
BaBachelor Toegepaste Architectuur (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
TA - Applied Architecture
BaBachelor Bedrijfsmanagement (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
BM - Business Management
BaBachelor Sociaal Werk (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
SW - Social Work
BaBachelor Industrieel Productontwerpen (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
IPO - Industrial Product Design
BaBachelor Toegepaste Informatica (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
TI - Applied Informatics
BaBachelor Toegepaste Psychologie (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
TP - Applied Psychology

Show all

Advanced Bachelor

AdBAAdvanced Bachelor of Bioinformatics @home
Advanced Bachelor, distance learning
BIT - Bioinformatics
AdBAAdvanced Bachelor of Bioinformatics
Advanced Bachelor, full-time
BIT - Bioinformatics

Postgraduate Certificate Programme

STGlobal Business Management
Postgraduate Certificate Programme, full-time
BM - Business Management
STMigration and Refugees (one-year programme with internship)
Postgraduate Certificate Programme, full-time
SW - Social Work
Ervaringsleren in en met de Natuur
Postgraduate Certificate Programme, distance learning
SW - Social Work

Associate Degree

AASGraduaat Programmeren (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
PROG - Computer Programming
AASGraduaat Marketing- en Communicatiesupport (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
MCS - Marketing and Communication Support
AASGraduaat Accounting Administration - Boekhouden (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
AAD - Accounting Administration
AASGraduaat Maatschappelijk Werk (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
MW - Welfare Work
AASGraduaat Multimedia en Informatietechnologie (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
WDD - Digital Design
AASGraduaat Online & Offline Graphic Design (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
OOG - Online and Offline Graphic design
AASGraduaat Transport en Logistiek (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
TL - Transport and Logistics

Show all

Micro Degree

Micro Degree Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare (Dutch-taught)
Micro Degree, distance learning
MCT - Multimedia and Communication Technology
Micro Degree Gezondheidscoach (Dutch-taught)
Micro Degree, distance learning
TGW - Applied Health and Lifestyle Sciences
Micro Degree Advanced Programmer (Dutch-taught)
Micro Degree, distance learning
TI - Applied Informatics
Micro Degree Professional Programmer (Dutch-taught)
Micro Degree, distance learning
TI - Applied Informatics


PROG - Computer Programming

AASGraduaat Programmeren (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
PROG - Computer Programming

MCS - Marketing and Communication Support
Bruges and Kortrijk

AASGraduaat Marketing- en Communicatiesupport (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
MCS - Marketing and Communication Support

AAD - Accounting Administration

AASGraduaat Accounting Administration - Boekhouden (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
AAD - Accounting Administration

MW - Welfare Work

AASGraduaat Maatschappelijk Werk (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
MW - Welfare Work

WDD - Digital Design

AASGraduaat Multimedia en Informatietechnologie (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
WDD - Digital Design

OOG - Online and Offline Graphic design

AASGraduaat Online & Offline Graphic Design (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
OOG - Online and Offline Graphic design

TL - Transport and Logistics

AASGraduaat Transport en Logistiek (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
TL - Transport and Logistics

BT - Building and Construction Drafting
Bruges and Kortrijk

AASGraduaat Bouwkundig Tekenen (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
BT - Building and Construction Drafting

HRS - HR Support

AASGraduaat HR-support (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
HRS - HR Support
AASGraduaat HR-support @home (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, distance learning
HRS - HR Support

IOT - Internet of Things
Bruges and Kortrijk

AASGraduaat Internet of Things (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
IOT - Internet of Things

ORTHO - Social Educational Care Work

AASGraduaat Orthopedagogische Begeleiding (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
ORTHO - Social Educational Care Work

SNWB - System and Network Administration
Bruges and Kortrijk

AASGraduaat Systeem- en Netwerkbeheer (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
SNWB - System and Network Administration

TS - Travel Support

AdGraduaat in het travel support (Dutch-taught)
Associate Degree, full-time
TS - Travel Support

MCT - Multimedia and Communication Technology

Micro Degree Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare (Dutch-taught)
Micro Degree, distance learning
MCT - Multimedia and Communication Technology
BaBachelor Multimedia & Creative Technologies (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
MCT - Multimedia and Communication Technology
BaBachelor of Creative Technologies and AI (English-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
MCT - Multimedia and Communication Technology

TGW - Applied Health and Lifestyle Sciences

Micro Degree Gezondheidscoach (Dutch-taught)
Micro Degree, distance learning
TGW - Applied Health and Lifestyle Sciences
BaBachelor Toegepaste Gezondheidswetenschappen @home (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, distance learning
TGW - Applied Health and Lifestyle Sciences
BaBachelor Toegepaste Gezondheidswetenschappen (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
TGW - Applied Health and Lifestyle Sciences

TI - Applied Informatics
Bruges and Kortrijk

Micro Degree Advanced Programmer (Dutch-taught)
Micro Degree, distance learning
TI - Applied Informatics
Micro Degree Professional Programmer (Dutch-taught)
Micro Degree, distance learning
TI - Applied Informatics
BaBachelor Toegepaste Informatica (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
TI - Applied Informatics
BaBachelor Cybersecurity (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
TI - Applied Informatics

BIT - Bioinformatics

AdBAAdvanced Bachelor of Bioinformatics @home
Advanced Bachelor, distance learning
BIT - Bioinformatics
AdBAAdvanced Bachelor of Bioinformatics
Advanced Bachelor, full-time
BIT - Bioinformatics

BM - Business Management

STGlobal Business Management
Postgraduate Certificate Programme, full-time
BM - Business Management
BaBachelor Bedrijfsmanagement (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
BM - Business Management

SW - Social Work
Bruges and Kortrijk

STMigration and Refugees (one-year programme with internship)
Postgraduate Certificate Programme, full-time
SW - Social Work
Ervaringsleren in en met de Natuur
Postgraduate Certificate Programme, distance learning
SW - Social Work
BaBachelor Sociaal Werk (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
SW - Social Work

DAE - Digital Arts and Entertainments

BaBachelor of Digital Arts and Entertainment (DAE) (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
DAE - Digital Arts and Entertainments
BaBachelor of Digital Arts and Entertainment (DAE) (English-Taught)
Bachelor, full-time
DAE - Digital Arts and Entertainments

TA - Applied Architecture

BaBachelor Toegepaste Architectuur (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
TA - Applied Architecture

IPO - Industrial Product Design

BaBachelor Industrieel Productontwerpen (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
IPO - Industrial Product Design
BaBachelor of Industrial Product Design (English-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
IPO - Industrial Product Design

TP - Applied Psychology

BaBachelor Toegepaste Psychologie (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
TP - Applied Psychology

CM - Communication Management

BaBachelor Communicatiemanagement (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
CM - Communication Management

BLT - Biomedical Laboratory Technology

BaBachelor Biomedische Laboratoriumtechnologie (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
BLT - Biomedical Laboratory Technology

SRW - Social Rehabilitation Sciences

BaBachelor in de Sociale Readaptatiewetenschappen (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
SRW - Social Rehabilitation Sciences

DEVINE - Digital Design and Development

BaBachelor of Digital Design and Development (DEVINE) (Dutch-Taught)
Bachelor, full-time
DEVINE - Digital Design and Development
BaBachelor of Digital Design and Development (DEVINE) (English-Taught)
Bachelor, full-time
DEVINE - Digital Design and Development

SB - Sports and Movement

BaBachelor Sport en Bewegen (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
SB - Sports and Movement

TRM - Tourism and Recreation Management

BaBachelor Toerisme en Recreatiemanagement (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
TRM - Tourism and Recreation Management
BaBachelor Toerisme en Recreatiemanagement @home (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, distance learning
TRM - Tourism and Recreation Management

VPL - Nursing

BaBachelor Verpleegkunde (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
VPL - Nursing

ENM - Energy Management

BaBachelor Energiemanagement (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
ENM - Energy Management

ERGO - Ergotherapy

BaBachelor Ergotherapie (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
ERGO - Ergotherapy

BE - Built Environment

BaBachelor in de Built Environment
Bachelor, full-time
BE - Built Environment

HRM - Human Resources Management

BaBachelor in het human resources management (HRM) (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
HRM - Human Resources Management

IIM - Idea and Innovation Management

BaBachelor in Idea and Innovation Management (IIM) (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
IIM - Idea and Innovation Management

JRN - Journalism

BaBachelor Journalistiek (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
JRN - Journalism

NE - Network Economy

BaBachelor Netwerkeconomie (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
NE - Network Economy

OM - Office Management

BaBachelor Organisatie en Management (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
OM - Office Management

BABO - Teacher Training Pre-Primary and Primary Education

BaEducatieve Bachelor Kleuteronderwijs (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
BABO - Teacher Training Pre-Primary and Primary Education
BaEducatieve Bachelor Lager Onderwijs (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
BABO - Teacher Training Pre-Primary and Primary Education

BASO - Teacher Training Secondary Education

BaEducatieve Bachelor Secundair Onderwijs (Dutch-taught)
Bachelor, full-time
BASO - Teacher Training Secondary Education